Talus Construction provides a full range of pipeline-related installation services.
Talus has handled jobs of all sizes for numerous contractors, agencies, municipalities, and developers throughout Northern California. A particular strength is our ability to handle projects with difficult coordination challenges, tight timetables, and challenging locations.

Pipeline Installation
Domestic water, fire system water, gas, sewer, and storm drainage systems.

Storm Water Drainage Systems
Excavation/backfill, drainage system installation, filtration systems, lift stations, storm water detention/holding systems.

Domestic Water Pipelines
Excavation/backfill, water pipeline installation, and related services.

Gas Pipelines
Excavation, water pipeline installation, backfill, and related services.

Sanitary Sewer Systems
Excavation, pipeline installation, and backfill. Lift station installation.

Underground Fire Water Systems
Excavation/backfill, fire water pipeline systems, water storage and holding tank systems, hydrant installation, backflow systems.

Excavation Services
Full mass excavation services, with unmatched levels of experience in site preparation, earth removal, sheeting and bracing, installation, and backfill.

Grading and Paving
From building pads to parking lots, driveways to streets, grade level to deep excavation, call Talus. Full site development services including site demolition, grading, underground utilities, joint trench and paving.